Image Understanding and Aesthetic Evaluation

This book is based on the research at the University of Melbourne, 1994



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2. LITERATURE REVIEV                                                                                          1

    2.1. Image Understanding                                                                                        2

            2.1.1. Neural network                                                                                     3

    2.2. Aesthetic evaluation                                                                                         6

            2.2.1. Aesthetic measurements                                                                        7

    2.3. Image processing                                                                                              10

            2.3.1. Shape                                                                                                    10

            2.3.2. Texture                                                                                                  12

3. A NEW METHOD OF EVALUATION OF THE PICTURE                                   13

    3.1. General description of the method                                                                   14

    3.2. Detailed description of the method                                                                  16

            3.2.1. Picture                                                                                                   16

            3.2.2. Picture model                                                                                        16

            3.2.3. Generic class of the picture                                                                   18

            3.2.4. Picture descriptors                                                                                19

            3.2.5. Aesthetic evaluation                                                                              21

            3.2.6. Mondrian class                                                                                      25

            3.2.7. Neural networks                                                                                    30

4. EXPERIMENT                                                                                                       32

5. PRESENTATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS                               37

6. DISCUSSION                                                                                                         49

7. CONCLUSIONS                                                                                                     54


REFERENCES                                                                                                           55






Copyright the Queen Jadwiga Foundation


The Queen Jadwiga Foundation

P.O. Box 654, Toorak, VIC 3142, Australia