List of
Magdalena Les, M.Sc.
has graduated from Jagiellonian
University, Cracow, Poland.
During her scientific carrier in
and next in Australia,
she conducted research in the areas of mathematical education, mathematical
modeling and statistical analysis. Pioneering in the application of
computers in the higher education process in
Poland, she continued research in this area in Australia. She was involved in the
research on software application in problem solving (System of Integrated
Packages). Working at Monash
University, she continued
research in mathematical modeling (Kolgomorov model, Markov model,
information theory model) and statistical analysis, including risk factor
assessment using logistic regression models. For this work she won the award
for the best paper at the ISATA international conference in
Barcelona. Member of the Statistical Society of Australia
Inc. (SSAI), the Australian Computer Society
(ACM) and the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE).
In Poland, Magdalena started her
PhD, and although the research toward her PhD was at very advanced stage,
she did not have the opportunity to continue her works in Australia by being
involved in many different projects at Monash University.
She has been working as a
statistician and psychometrician for many years. Her interests are
specifically focused on all aspects of learning and understanding of
preliminary mathematical and statistical concepts. Currently, as a senior
statistician and psychometrician at the Ministry of Education and Training,
she is involved in elaboration of the new method of educational measurement
as well as application of the statistical models and Item Response Theory
(IRT) models in educational measurement and assessment.
Magdalena participated in many
national and international projects collaborating with the researches from
Australia, USA, Asia and Europe. She carried out data analyses for a number
of large-scale assessment projects (e.g. PISA, AIM, ISA, NAPLAN) applying
advanced statistical models (factor analysis, multilevel models, logistic
regression models) using statistical and psychometric software (e.g. MLwiN,
SPSS, Quest, ConQuest), and working as a consultant she provided advice to
data analysts.
She is also well known for her work
in mathematics and statistics, in particular for elaborating a new method of
‘like schools’ grouping, applied for
comparing schools’ performance,
which involved modeling a cluster size and application of advanced
statistical methods such as factor analysis, multilevel modelling or complex
sample analysis and Rasch modeling. Other works include risk factor
assessment using logistic regression models, designing the software for
household projection based on Kolgomorov differential equation, and
developing, as a co-author, the shape understanding system used, among
others, to generate test items of similar level of difficulty. Findings have
been presented at the international scientific conferences and/or published
as journal papers. Most recently, she has been a member of a national board
of state representatives for a large-scale assessment project NAPLAN in
Magdalena is also involved in
research on a shape understanding system, implementation of the educational
system “Lumen”, designing the IQ and educational tests based on the machine
understanding method and application of computers in education.
She published more than 50 journal
and conference papers (peer reviewed) and reports, and four scientific books
with Springer-Verlag.
is a co-founder of the Queen Jadwiga Foundation and St. Queen Jadwiga
Research Institute of Understanding and machine understanding, the new
research area the aim of which is to built the understanding machine. She is
director of the Research Centre for Computer Aided Learning (RCCAL) and main
author of the new educational program for St. Queen Jadwiga’s Family of
Last updated: 20 July 2019
Copyright the Queen Jadwiga Foundation
List of
QJF-RCCAL Projects:
epistemologically oriented educational software design in the context of the
visual thinking capabilities of the Shape Understanding System
Visual understanding in designing
explanatory process of the educational software
Psychometric analysis of educational and intelligence tests with
Rasch model
Designing IQ Tests

System LUMEN

Statistical Visualization System

System of Integrated Packages
